Ifm article accepted for presentation at European Academy of Management Annual Conference 2014 (EURAM 2014), Valencia (Spain)

The article "Agency Costs Due to Gender Preferences? Leadership Succession, Gender, and Human Capital in Family Firms" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andreas Landmann, and Michael Woywode was accepted for presentation at the European Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 during June 4th to 7th in the Family Business Research tracks. The article sheds light on CEO labor market and firm performance implications due to preference biased CEO successions. The conference received close to 1400 submissions and is one of the key arenas in the European family business research community. Last year the ifm article "Nepotism - CEO Succession, Ownership, and Firm Performance" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Sandra Gottschalk, Michael Woywode) was awarded the EURAM 2013 Best Article Award in the Family Business Research Field.




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