Three articles accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2014 (IFERA), Lappeenranta (Finland)

Three works of ifm scholars were accepted at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2014 (IFERA) hosted by the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). IFERA is a global conference of the family business research community and will take place in the beautiful town of Lappeenranta, located in South-Eastern Finland on the shores of the country's largest lake, from June 24 –27, 2014. The purpose of the conference is to advance family business scholarship by serving as a platform for presentation of carefully crafted contributions seeking to find home in top-tier academic journals, advancement of papers that need further development in order to make a meaningful contribution, testing of new ideas and plans, and raising of new and relevant questions concerning family business. In detail the works "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should the Predecessor Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode, Jan Zybura), "Freshwater Stewards" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens and Michael Woywode), and "Leadership Succession in Family Business - Conflicts and Selected Remedies" (Jana Fischer) were successful in the review process.




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