Article accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2015 (IFERA)

Recent research of the ifm (Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode) was accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2015 (IFERA) hosted by the Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Business. IFERA is a global conference of the family business research community and will take place in Hamburg from June 30 – July 03, 2015. Conference chair is Prof. Dr. Günther Strunk.

The purpose of the conference is to advance family business scholarship by serving as a platform for presentation of carefully crafted contributions seeking to find home in top-tier academic journals, advancement of papers that need further development in order to make a meaningful contribution, testing of new ideas and plans, and raising of new and relevant questions concerning family business.

The conference theme is tradition and Innovation in Family Business. Indeed, family firms can be an exceptional repository of traditional values, beliefs and cultures, as well as products, production techniques and services that are handed down from generation to generationfor decades, sometimes centuries. For their long-term survival, family firms need however to continuously renew their competitive advantage by introducing product, process, or organizational innovations.



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