Aktuelle Vorträge

Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Siegen 2010 (01.09.10)
Dominika Wruk, Thomas Armbrüster and Michael Woywode: When do medium-sized companies recommend consulting firms? The development of recommendations as a triadic model.; paper presented at the Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; September 2010, Siegen, Germany mehr...
Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Siegen 2010 (01.09.10)
Florian Scheiber, Stefan Huppertz, Achim Oberg and Michael Woywode, Dominika Wruk: Ignorance or scepticism? An attempt to explain knowledge and adaption diffusion of modern management concepts among German SMEs.; paper presented at the Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; September 2010, Siegen, Germany mehr...
European Group for Organizational Studies - Lissabon 2010 (03.08.10)
Metzger, F.M. / Oberg, A. / Armbruester, T.: Coordinated Interorganizational Networks: Empirical Results on Structures, Identities, and their Contingencies. Presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), July 3 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. mehr...
Academy of Management - 2010 Montreal (01.08.10)
Florian Scheiber: Diffusion and Discursive Legitimation: Codes of Conduct in the German Textile and Apparel Industry, paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting; August 2010, Montreal, Canada mehr...
Academy of Management - 2010 Montreal (01.08.10)
Dominika Wruk, Florian Scheiber, Achim Oberg and Michael Woywode: Diversity of Management Labels on Organizational Self-Representations on the Internet: A Reflection of Multiple Expectations?; paper presented at the Academy of Management; August 2010, Montreal, Canada mehr...
European Group for Organizational Studies - Lissabon 2010 (01.07.10)
Florian Scheiber, Dominika Wruk and Achim Oberg: Discursive Connectedness of Management Concepts in Different Social Spheres; European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium; July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal mehr...
European Group for Organizational Studies - Lissabon 2010 (01.07.10)
Dominika Wruk, Florian Scheiber, Achim Oberg and Michael Woywode: Diversity of Management Labels on Organizational Self-Representations on the Internet: A Reflection of Multiple Expectations?; paper presented at the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium; July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal mehr...
CSR in kleinen und mittleren Familienunternehmen (30.06.10)
IFERA 2010 Lancaster, UK
10th Annual World Family Business Research Conference
“Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy”
Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK
6–9 July, 2010
ifm vertreten bei ICSB 2010 World Conference in Cincinnati (30.06.10)
ICSB 2010 World Conference
"Entrepreneurship: Bridging Global Boundaries"

Jan Tänzler präsentierte für das Team Familienunternehmen ein Forschungsprojekt zur CSR im Mittelstand. Außerdem stellte er das Thema im Doktoranden-Workshop der Konferenz vor
Differences among the CSR-Activities of companies with and without Family influence (23.06.10)
A first comparision in Germany by means of the provision of vocational training

Jan-Klaus Tänzler, Annegret Hauer, Detlef Keese
Presentation on the 6th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research.
Culture and Values
Barcelona, June 6-8, 2010
Initiativen und Portale des ifm: