Aktuelle Vorträge

EGOS 2014: Configurations of Practices on Websites (02.07.14)
Schöllhorn, Tino, Dominika Wruk, Suleika Bort (2014). What generates configurations of practices in organizational self-presentations? Paper acccepted for presentation at the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium; July 2014, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Jan Tänzler zu Gast im mongolischen Fernsehen (30.06.14)
Jan Tänzler wurde während seines Aufenthaltes in der Mongolei von Jargalsaikhan Dambadarjaa im Rahmen seiner Sendung Interview DeFacto auf NTV Mongolia zum Thema Familienunternehmen interviewt. mehr...
Jan Tänzler als Keynote Speaker zum Thema Family Business Governance bei den German-Mongolian Corporate Days in Ulaanbaatar am 18.-19. Mai, 2014 (30.06.14)
Im Rahmen der German-Mongolian Corporate Days 2014 hielt Jan Tänzler als Key Note Speaker einen Vortrag über die Besonderheiten von Familienunternehmen und ihre aktuellen Herausforderungen. mehr...
IfM article of the family firm team wins Best Paper Award at the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) 2014, Portland (USA) (12.06.14)
"Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should the Predecessor Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode, and Jan Zybura wins prestigeous award on June 7th 2014. mehr...
Three articles accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2014 (IFERA), Lappeenranta (Finland) (01.05.14)
Three works of ifm scholars were accepted at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference 2014 (IFERA) hosted by the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). IFERA is a global conference of the family business research community and will take place in the beautiful town of Lappeenranta, located in South-Eastern Finland on the shores of the country's largest lake, from June 24 –27, 2014. The purpose of the conference is to advance family business scholarship by serving as a platform for presentation of carefully crafted contributions seeking to find home in top-tier academic journals, advancement of papers that need further development in order to make a meaningful contribution, testing of new ideas and plans, and raising of new and relevant questions concerning family business. In detail the works "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should the Predecessor Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode, Jan Zybura), "Freshwater Stewards" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens and Michael Woywode), and "Leadership Succession in Family Business - Conflicts and Selected Remedies" (Jana Fischer) were successful in the review process. mehr...
Ifm article accepted for presentation at European Academy of Management Annual Conference 2014 (EURAM 2014), Valencia (Spain) (01.05.14)
The article "Agency Costs Due to Gender Preferences? Leadership Succession, Gender, and Human Capital in Family Firms" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andreas Landmann, and Michael Woywode was accepted for presentation at the European Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 during June 4th to 7th in the Family Business Research tracks. The article sheds light on CEO labor market and firm performance implications due to preference biased CEO successions. The conference received close to 1400 submissions and is one of the key arenas in the European family business research community. Last year the ifm article "Nepotism - CEO Succession, Ownership, and Firm Performance" (Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Sandra Gottschalk, Michael Woywode) was awarded the EURAM 2013 Best Article Award in the Family Business Research Field. mehr...
Two ifm articles accepted for presentation at Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) 2014, Portland (USA) (01.05.14)
The dissertation project "Facilitator or Chock Block - Are CEO Predecessors really Inhibitors to Organizational Change?" of Jan Zybura and the article "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should the Predecessor Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" (by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode, and Jan Zybura) were accepted for presentation at the FERC 2014 meeting of the family business research community. The Family Enterprise Research Conference will take place in June 6-8, 2014, in Portland (USA). It was founded to develop a community of scholars interested in conducting research into understanding family firms and creating usable knowledge in this field. This forum enables scholars to design and develop research projects that are theoretically sound, empirically accurate, and of practical significance to family firms. Plenary speeches will be held by Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont, and Ritch Sorenson, University of St. Thomas.
Presentation on CEO Succession in Family Firms at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (01.05.14)
The results of recent ifm research regarding CEO successions in family firms were presented on 16th April 2014 by Dr. Jan-Philipp Ahrens at a faculty seminar of the management area of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The presentation covered findings from the projects "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should Predecessors Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" and "Nepotism - CEO Succession, Ownership, and Firm Performance" and was well received by the faculty audience as well as Chinese entrepreneurs and family firm leaders. According to the host Prof. Kevin Au, PhD. (Director of the Center for Family Busines CUHK & Board of Directors Family Firms Institute, Inc., publishing the Family Business Review) family firms will continue to be an important topic for the Chinese economy and entrepreneurs. mehr...
4. Konferenz deutschsprachiger Zentren für Familienunternehmensforschung (01.05.14)
Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Familienunternehmen vorgestellt: Dr. Jan-Klaus Tänzler und Dr. Jan-Philipp Ahrens hielten am 17.03.2014 auf der 4ten Konferenz deutschsprachiger Zentren für Familienunternehmensforschung (16.03.-18.03) in Wien einen Vortrag über Nachfolge in Familienunternehmen und stellten die Ergebnisse des ifm-Forschungprojektes "Nepotism - CEO succession, ownership, and enterprise performance" vor. mehr...
Beitrag des ifm im IQ Kongress "Gekommen, um zu bleiben – Zur Zukunft der Integration in Deutschland" 2014. Leitung und Gestaltung des Workshops "Migrationssensible Gründungsberatung in Deutschland: Forschung trifft Praxis." (11.02.14)
Welche Zugangsbedingungen und Beratungskonzepte brauchen Gründende mit Migrationshintergrund? Im Workshop "Migrationssensible Gründungsberatung in Deutschland: Forschung trifft Praxis" stellten VertreterInnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis die besonderen Bedarfe von gründenden MigrantInnen sowie entsprechende Beratungskonzepte vor. René Leicht und Marieke Volkert (ifm Mannheim) präsentierten aktuelle Studien zur Migrantenökonomie in Deutschland, Ralf Sänger der IQ-Fachstelle Existenzgründung stellte einen Beratungsansatz dar und Rainer Aliochin (AAU e.V. Nürnberg) berichtete von Inhalten und Strategien im Beratungsalltag für Existenzgründer. mehr...
Initiativen und Portale des ifm: