Aktuelle Vorträge

Facilitator or Chock Block – Are Active CEO Predecessors really Inhibitors to Organizational Change? (03.09.13)
The family firm article "Facilitator or Chock Block – Are Active CEO Predecessors really Inhibitors to Organizational Change?" was presented by Dr. Jan-Philipp Ahrens (ifm-research fellow) and Mr. Jan Zybura (doctoral candidate and first author) at the 3rd Annual International Academic Symposium at the HIF (Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Business). The 3rd HIF-AIAS Conference took place between 3.-5.September 2013 in Hamburg and the keynote was held by Prof. Dr. Sanjay Goel (University of Minesota Duluth & President of IFERA - The International Family Enterprise Researche Academy).

Article accepted at Conference of the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society (22.04.13)
The article "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms - Should Predecessors Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode and Jan Zybura will be presented in Gothenburg (Sweden) at the 67th European meeting of the Econometric Society and the 28th congress of the European Economic Association on August 26th-30th (EEA|ESEM 2013).
The conference has a high reputation in the scientific community and attracts each year around 1500 participants.

For further information see
www.eea-esem-congresses.org/ mehr...
Gender Preferences in CEO Successions in Family Firms - Family Characteristics and Human Capital of the Successor (11.04.13)
The article "Gender Preferences in CEO Successions in Family Firms - Family Characteristics and Human Capital of the Successor" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andreas Landmann and Michael Woywode was accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Conference 2013 (2nd-5th July) in St. Gallen, which is an internationally renowned conference in family enterprise research field. The project's results previously recieved attention in the media in an article on entrepreneurial succession by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms - Should Predecessors Stay Active or Cultivate Roses? (11.04.13)
The article "Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms - Should Predecessors Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode and Jan Zybura will be presented at the European Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013 in Istanbul.
(26th-29th June)

Nepotism - CEO Succession, Ownership and Enterprise Performance (11.04.13)
The article "Nepotism - CEO Succession, Ownership and Enterprise Performance" by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Sandra Gottschalk and Michael Woywode will be presented at the European Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013 in Istanbul.
(26th-29th June)
Mannheim Founder Talk (Gründergespräche) on March 11 (20.02.13)
Effective Lean Start-Up Marketing & Growth Hacking - David Handlos, co-founder of Stocard

Stocard is a highly successful Mannheim-based start-up active in the area of relationship marketing services. It has recently secured significant funding from the Hightech Gründer Fonds, Klaas Kersting, CD venture and a business angel to further grow its business. mehr...
Heterogenität und Ausbildung in Migrantenbetrieben (18.02.13)
Im Rahmen des Workshops "Individuelle Förderung in heterogenen Gruppen in der Berufsbildung. Befunde - Konzepte - Forschungsbedarf" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berufsbildungsforschungsnetzt wurden neue Ergebnisse des Teilprojekts "Vielfalt als Ressource in Migrantenunternehmen" präsentiert. mehr...
ifm-Vertreter bei Podiumsdiskussion "Globales Prozessmanagement" (15.11.12)
Aktuelle Fragen des globalen Prozessmanagements standen bei der Auftaktveranstaltung der Veranstaltung "Wirtschaftsingenieure im Gespräch" im Fokus. mehr...
Guest Speaker in Entrepreneurship Class on October 25 (12.10.12)
On Thursday, 25th October 2012, Rupprecht Rittweger - a former Mannheim student and successful serial entrepreneur - held a guest lecture on his entrepreneurial experience. mehr...
MAN 301 Introduction Lecture (27.08.12)
Dear MAN 301 participants,
please refer to the attached PDF document in order to obtain detailed information on the MAN 301 Introduction Lecture. mehr...
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